Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sargent's Painting Methods

Here's a PDF document detailing John Singer Sargent's painting methods. He refused to share this information because

"As to describing my procedure, I find the greatest difficulty in making it clear to pupils, even with the palette and brushes in hand and with the model before me; to serve it up in the abstract seems to me hopeless."

But one of his students documented his techniqiues. This is very enlightening. He had no qualms about abandoning a painting that he had spent weeks working on. He'd ditch it, and start over on a new canvas if he was the least bit dissatisfied with it. That's an important lesson in itself, because I see too many people try to salvage a painting that's not working. There's much more information than that, but if even one of the lessons in this document helps you, you'll be a better artist.


Blogger Diana K Gibson said...

Thank you so much for posting Sargent's Painting methods PDF. I found it to be very informative and inspiring. It was a great read!

6:27 PM  
Blogger Diana K Gibson said...

Thank you so much for posting Sargent's Painting Methods PDF. It was VERY informative and inspiring. An excellent read!

6:28 PM  

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